Quantum Forum V

Quantum Forum for DXi V5000

Signed up and downloaded vmpro.  it'sbeen nearly an hour and have not received email.  my spam filter is clear and Quantum is white listed.

Wht  is the normalwait period for getting the license email?

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what is the normal wait period for getting a forum response.

Is the automatic response system for licensing offline on the weekend?   Does anyone know?

Hi Sandra!

I apologize for the delay, I am not sure why you didn't receive your license immediately. I have sent your license details to your email address, please let me know if you need anything else!


It looks like your corporate anti-spam system may have blocked your receipt of our automated license email.

I sent you an email manually now and your system requires an interactive response in order to be added to your whitelist -- unfortunately our automated system does not have the ability to pass such a test yet.

You should receive my email now with the license details in it, we apologize again for the delay!


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