22 Nov 2017 Additionally, it's possible to take payment using Drupal Commerce - when (See instructions for installation without composer) Create a new 10 Apr 2012 Module Instructions module shows the content of README.txt and INSTALL.txt files for contrib modules. If you were missing a README or INSTALL info about a Drupal module, this module will come in handy. No need to search for README and INSTALL files on your system any more - open 15 Mar 2018 YG Flew is a modern bootstrap based theme for your products and business. Features Drupal 8 core Bootstrap v3.3.5 Pricing Team Installing Drupal 8. This guide covers preparing, running the installation script, and the steps that should be done after the installation script has completed.28 Feb 2012 Goto: [Administer > Configuration > Search and metadata > Clean URLs] and ensure that Drupal's clean URLs are enabled and working
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