With the engine cold (ambient temperature) loosen the screws on the choke housing, open the throttle a little and turn the housing until the Adjustment data. Manual choke types. Fast idle primary throtle valve opening: 32 DFD. 32 DFE. 32 DFM. 32 DIF. 32 DGV. 32/36 DFV. 32/36 DGV.Weber DGV 32/36 manual choke adjustment? Can anyone tell me the correct way to set up the manual choke on this carb? Turn the choke ring 1/8-inch counter clockwise to increase the choke for colder weather and clockwise to decrease the choke for warmer weather. Release the Run the engine until it is warmed up and the choke is fully opened and disengaged. Rotate the Idle Speed screw counter-clockwise, until tachometer reads about
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