Author:Sheppard, Tom. Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide: 1st Edition. Book Binding:Hardback. Each month we recycle over 2.3 million books, saving over 12,500 tonnes of books a year from going straight into landfill sites. VEHICLE DEPENDENT EXPEDITION GUIDE by Tom Sheppard 1998 1st HB/DJ - Land Rover. £120.00 + £42.34 P&P + £42.34 P&P Author Tom Sheppard, MBE, ex Royal Air Force test pilot, 4x4 consultant to major manufacturer, has accumulated more than 100,000 desert and overlanding miles over the years. He led the expedition to make the first coast to coast crossing of the Sahara, Atlantic to the Red Sea, for which he gained a Royal Geographical Society award. Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide - The 4×4 Bible. The Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide by Tom Sheppard from Desert Winds Publishing is the ultimate guide to expedition travel preparation. This book has been a really great aid during my planning phase and for determining what modifications are worthwhile for my Land Rover Defender and I remember waiting in line to pay for my first copy of Tom Sheppard's Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide, at the decidedly upscale Land Rover dealership in Scottsdale, Arizona. It was 1998, the first, hardbound edition of the book had recently been released, and I'd driven 120 miles with the express purpose of securing a copy. Buy Vehicle-Dependent Expedition Guide: Field Manual: NHBS - Tom Sheppard, Desert Winds. To see accurate pricing, please choose your delivery country. Language Delivery Tom Sheppard. 548 pages, 375 photos, line illus . Publisher: Desert Winds. NHBS . A most comprehensive resource . Vehicle-dependent expedition guide. [Tom Sheppard] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you Buy Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide: Field Manual by Sheppard, Tom (ISBN: 9780953232444) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide: Field Manual: Sheppard, Tom: 9780953232444: Books Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide: 1st Edition Hardcover - 25 Mar. 1998 by Tom Sheppard (Author) 3 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover £106.36 6 Used from £103.56 An expedition can be a half day exploring a hill track, two weeks off-road in Turkey or the Pyrenees, or a major journey in Africa, but the demands are similar. Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide: 2nd Edition, Field Manual Paperback - 8 Sept. 2003 by Tom Sheppard (Author) 5 ratings See all formats and editions Paperback £18.00 1 Used from £18.00 A book to reflect and implement the new millennium spirit of adventure. Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide: Field Manual by Sheppard, Tom and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide Sheppard, Tom. Sheppard, Tom. Published by Desert Winds, 1998. ISBN 10: 0953232409 ISBN 13: 9780953232406. Unused copies of: - Vehicle-Dependent Expedition Guide Book - 4x4 Driving Both by Tom Sheppard, considered to be the definitive works on the subject and absolutely essential reading if you're heading off for a vehicle-based wilderness trip. Out of print and going for £45 or more just for the Tom's refere
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