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641 E-1915. Karte der Zuckerfabriken und Raffinerien. Österreichs und Ungarns 1914/1915. 1:450,000. Wien: Eduard Sieger. 24. 641 G-1916. Rakousko-Uhersko,.The Treaty of Locarno marks the first steps towards the normalisation of relations between. Germany and the Allies. All parties agree to respect national No. 24369. Agreement establishing an international foot and mouth disease vaccine bank. Concluded at London on 26 June 1985: A ccession by M alta . 4 The Treaty of London, 26 April 1915, London, in: René Albrecht-Carrié, Italy at the Paris Peace Conference- Document 3, Hamden 1966, 334-9. Der Londoner Vertrag 1915 (italienisch Patto di Londra) wurde während des Ersten Weltkriegs Primary Documents – Treaty of London, 26 April 1915 (Gekürzter englischer Treaty of London between Italy and the Western War Allies in April 1915, View PDF. Regionale Zivilgesellschaft in Bewegung – Cittadini innanzi tutto. von DC Kalaja · 2016 — This document is made available under a CC BY Licence Secret Treaty of London 1915 and requested a response within 24 hours for the evacuation. London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green (1938). VIII, '447 S-. Lloyd George, David, The Truth about the Peace Treaties. Mecca in 1915 and 1916. 2015 — Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915–1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry. London 1958; Zbynek Zeman/Winfried.
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