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Transistor basics pdf

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View Transistor Basics.pdf from ITEC 2925 at York University, Glendon College. Transistor The transistor is like an electronic switch. It can turn a current on and off. A simple way you can think of BJT Basics Page 22 HOMEWORK - BJT'S 1. Why won't two back to back diodes behave like a BJT? 2. Sketch a figure like that on page 7 showing the h*** concentration for a pnp transistor with B-E junction forward biased and B-C junction reverse biased. Show direction of current flow. 3. The Ic versus Vce family of curves for a 2N3906 BJT is shown. Three Basic Rules of Amplifier Design There are three basic rules that we will use to design the transistor amplifier. You already know these rules from your work in the previous module. 1. The base-emitter voltage is always about 0.6-0.7 volts for silicon transistors. REASON: This is MOS Transistor Qualitative Description Assume an n-channel (receives it's name from the "type" of channel present when current is flowing) device with its source and substrate grounded (i. e., V S =V B =0 V). For any value of V DS : •when V GS<0 (accumulation), the source to drain path consists of two back to back diodes. Transistor Basics Lab 1: The Bipolar (Junction) Transistor ECE 327: Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory I Abstract In the lab, we explore several common transistor circuits; we build a common-emitter amplifier, a pnp current source, an npn emitter follower, and class B and class AB (i.e., biased) push-pull amplifiers.

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