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View and Download Progressive Prep Solutions GMRC-501 use and care online. Microwave Rice & Pasta Cooker Set General Instructions for Cooking Rice 1.Cooking instructions for the Progressive brand MiracleWare Rice Cooker, 6-cup. Recommended. rice cooker - Lowes Replacement Instructions for MiracleWare and PrepSolutions Plastic Microwave Cookware: · 1) Rinse all rice. · 2) Remove steamer basket and steamer tray insert. · 3 Progressive GMRC 500G Microwave Rice And Pasta Cooker Progressive_gmrc 500g_rice_cooker Instructions · 1 cup • For best results cook pasta as directed on the For two cups rice, you will need to place in the cooker bowl 2 1/2 cups water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 1/2 cups of rice. Place the lid on the top of the pot
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