Other uses are detailed in the manuals. I personally consider the PACO G-15 and the Knight (Allied Radio) G-30 to be some of the better of the lower end ham dip meters because of the detail in the manuals and coverage of the lower frequencies. I have the Heathkit GD-1 also but prefer the physical construction of the PACO and Knight. PACO T-60 tube tester: assembly/instruction manual + supplemental & obsolete tube data: Re-Mastered reprint Comb Bound reprint about 50 pages: $35.00: PACO T-60 tube tester: Complete original manual with supplemental & obsolete tube data. Also includes the original large scale blow-ups for easier assembly: Original that has been comb bound in very good condition Paco G-30 G-30PC G30 G30PC RF Generator Kit Manual $ 9.99 Add to cart; Paco C-25 C25 In-Circuit Capacitor Tester Construction and Operating Manual $ 8.99 Add to cart; Paco T60 T-60 Tube Tester Kit Manual $ 9.99 Add to cart; Paco S-55 S55 Wide Band 5″ Oscilloscope Kit Manual $ 11.99 Add to cart My Test Equipment and Manuals. Oscilloscopes. Goldstar OS-9020A 20Mz Philips PM 3231 15MHz Tektronix 465 100MHz. Meters. Micronta 22-191 Multimeter Users Manual MERR IMI-11 Megohm Meter Evershed & Vignoles CAT NoZD02484 Tester Ohmmeter Safety Demolition No 1 MK2. RF Signal Generator. Paco G-30 . Como rastrear un telefono desde blackberry. Xiaomi pone a rodar una bicicleta eléctrica hecha para la ciudad. Miitomo de nintendo llega a méxico el 30 de junio. Facebook entrena a sus empleados para que eviten inclinaciones políticas. Staples va bien tratados comerciales al mayor que confíe. También te puede interesar. Manual is 30 pages long. If a manual shows the price, a "O" and "es", it means we have an original we will sell for 150% of the digital (es) price. TESTER OP $20.00es PACO DF 90 DEPTH FINDER ASSY/OP $20.00 PACO G-30 SIGNAL GENERATOR OP/SER $20.00es PACO G-34 SINE AND SQ WAVE GEN ASSY/OP $29.00 PACO T-60W TUBE TESTER OP $20.00es PACO T-60 TUBE TEST DATA All manuals include schematics unless otherwise noted : Part Number. Description. Price (PUB) MMM-118/128: Paco G-30 & G-30PC RF Signal Generator Kit Assembly & Operating Manual. 24.00. Add (PUB) PAG-MBT201A: Page Incorp MBT 201A, MBT 101A, Systems Operation & Maintenance Manual. 22.00. Add
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