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Mvi instruction in 8085
















What is the purpose of the mvi instruction in 8085 microprocessor? the purpose of mvi is to 8 bit data immidiatly to the register or memory example mvi b,05h will move 05h to register b. Intel's 8085 has 246 instructions. A binary value denotes each instruction of the 8085. These 8-bit binary values are called Op-Codes or Instruction Bytes. LXI H, DF10H LXI D, DF70H MVI B, 10H LOOP:MOV A, M STAX D INX H INX D DCR B JNZ LOOP HLT. Let us go through the step by step analysis of our program. LXI H, DF10H. DCR. Que-4: Name some direct addressing Instructions. Ans: LHLD. SHLD. LDA. STA. Tagged 8085 8085 instruction set 8085 instructions arithmetic instructions call instructions data transfer instructions flag and machine control instructions il block diagram of 8085nterna in diagram of 8085 jump instructions logical instructions. The 8085 Microprocessor has Serial Input/Output lines consisting of two pins as follows: 1. Serial Output Data (SOD) 2. Serial Input Data (SID) They both are specially made for Input/Output which is further controlled by software. The transfer of data is controlled with the help of two instructions, i.e, SIM and RIM. The SIM Instruction should Data Transfer Instructions in 8085 Microprocessor. 1. Move - To copy a data from source to destination register. This instruction MOV Ax,Bx copies the contents of the source register into the destination register. This instruction doesn't alter the contents of the source register. This instruction is Mainly used for transferring the same Answer (1 of 2): 1.MOV: - This instruction is used to copy the data from one place to another. Eg: - MOV Rd, Rs (This instruction copies the content of Rs to Rd) MOV M,Rs (This instruction copies the content of register Rs to memory location pointed by HL Register) MOV Rd, M (This instruction The clock frequency of an 8085 microprocessor is 5 MHz. If the time required to execute an instruction is 1.4. In an 8085 microprocessor, the contents of the accumulator and the carry flag are A7 (in hex) and 0, respectively. If the instruction RLC is executed, then the contents of the accumulator (in hex) and the carry flag, respectively, will Consider the following 8085 instructions. MVI A → 8 E H. ADI → 73 H. JC → DISPLY. OUT → PORT 1. HLT. DSPLY: XRA A. OUT PORT 1. HLT. The output PORT 1 is: A. FE H. B. 01 H. C. 00 H. D. 11 H. Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide. Right Answer is: C. SOLUTION. The 8085 Instruction Set. As I promised, in an earlier lesson, I am going to go through an in-depth explaination of ALL the 8085 instructions. Thus, the instruction MVI D, OFFH moves the hexadecimal. value FF to the D register. The LXI instruction (load register pair immediate) is even more unusual in that its immediate data is a 16-bit 6 Data Transfer Group of Instructions Classification of 8085 instructions Number of instructions in 8085 Instruction type MVI r, d8 Instruction type MOV r1, r2 Instruction type MOV r, M … - Selection from The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing [Book] 8085 Instruction Summary by Functional Groups. dble = constant or logical/ arithmetic expression that evaluates to a 16-bit data quantity. (second and third bytes of 3-bytes instructions). *= all flags (C, Z, S, P, AC) affected. ** = all flags except CARRY affected; (except INX and DCX affect no flags).

Delta 52-965 manual


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