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To begin, launch your browser and go to (see Figure 2.2 ). The home page includes the portal to the App Inventor tool, along with many using MIT app inventor 2.0 Arduino and Android using MIT app inventor 2.0: . Learn App Inventor basics hands-on with step-by-step instructions for . and you'll be referred to chapters in the Inventor's Manual section to help framework is closely related to the MIT Scratch programming language. The first time you browse to, you'll see the Projects page, which will be mostly blank because you haven't created any projects yet. ToThis step-by-step picture tutorial will guide you through making a talking app. To get started, go to App Inventor on the web. Go directly to ai2.appinventor. Welcome to the first unit of a 6-week online App Inventor and Design Course. In this unit mentors will learn: what App Inventor is and what you can do with App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either a connected phone or an on-screen phone emulator. The MIT App
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