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El Premi IMPAC o Premi Internacional de Literatura IMPAC de Dublín és un premi literari d'abast internacional amb 100000 euros per al guanyador. El seu prestigi ve del procés de selecció de les obres guardonades: en una primera fase es fa la tria de la millor novel·la publicada en els dos darrers anys a criteri dels responsables del sector de la biblioteca pública de diferent països 315 books based on 618 votes: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes, Dispatches by Michael Herr, A Rumor Of War by Philip Matterhorn June 16, 2022 June 16, 2022 Rona Simmons 157 Views 0 Comments Battle Experience , History , Vietnam War 4 min read Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War by Karl Marlantes, Grove Press, May 2011, 640 pp) Of the fifty-three books Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes Intense, powerful, and compelling, Matterhorn is an epic war novel in the tradition of Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead and James Jones's The Thin Red Line. It is the timeless story of a young Marine lieutenant, Waino Mellas, and his comrades in Bravo Company, who are dropped into the mountain jungle of Vietnam as boys. Karl Marlantes Atlantic Monthly Press Gritty, intense, and captivating from the first page, Matterhornis a masterpiece, shedding light on the complexities of the U.S. Marine combat experience in Vietnam. The riveting narrative takes the reader up and down the chain of command, creating empathy with nearly every character. A graduate of Yale University and a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, KARL MARLANTES served as a Marine in Vietnam, where he was awarded the Navy Cross, the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals for valor, two Purple Hearts, and ten air medals. He is the author of Matterhorn and What It Is Like to Go to War. He lives in rural Washington. —Karl Marlantes, author of Matterhorn and What It Is Like to Go to War "Not only does Viet Thanh Nguyen bring a rare and authentic voice to the body of American The Sympathizer is a stellar debut by a writer of depth and skill." —Robert Olen Butler, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "You can only listen to friends recommend a book to you for so long before you take the hint. Having previously read What It's Like to go to War, I had an appreciation for Karl Marlantes's talent as a writer, even so, I could not have anticipated how powerful of a story he would tell with Matterhorn. 22 [, James Jones [ ZThe Thin Red Line [ and Karl Marlantes 'Matterhorn [. Particularly impressive were ranes short stories ZThe Open oat [, ZThe lue Hotel, ZThe Monster and ZThe ride omes to Yellow Sky [ as well as the longer The Red adge of Courage [ of which it is said there are some similarities in Hemingways A Farewell to Arms. matterhorn, vietnam combat veteran karl marlantes attempts to transport his readers to 1969, in a jungle near laos, just south of the vietnamese demilitarized zone where a company of young u.s. marines are ˝ghting for their lives in a war none of them really understandsmarlantes comes closer than any american writer ever has to capturing the … That writer is Karl Marlantes, nominated f
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