View online or download Juwel Vision 260 Instruction Manual. We have 2 juwel Vision 260 manuals available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual Please observe the safety instructions and maintenance guidelines given in this manual. This instruction manual has been carefully prepared to provide you withPrepare the filter for operation as described in the chapter "Putting the JUWEL filter system into operation". 4. Complete the decoration with ground material Fit the JUWEL background to your aquarium. To this end, first measure your aquarium vertically and horizontally (only up to the filter). Installing the filter in the aquarium makes hose connections unnecessary and prevents leaks. Page 5 7. Place the filter cover on the filter housing. 8. The The white filter wool acts as a mechanical pre-filter, removing large particles of dirt and excess food which in turn ensures that the other sponges do not get
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