LABORATORY MANUAL FOR DIGITAL ELECTRONICS FOR B. Tech. (EE/EIE) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING SANT LONGOWAL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND Verify the truth table of a J-K flip-flop (7476) 9. Verify the truth table of a D flip-flop (7474) 10. Operate the counters 7490, 7493. 11. Design of 4-bit shift register (shift LAB #4 Sequential Logic, Latches, Flip-Flops, Shift Registers, and Counters . LAB OBJECTIVES . 1. Introduction to latches and the D type flip-flop . 2. Use of actual flip-flops to help you understand sequential logic Remember in part 5 you used the momentary switches as a manual clock for the first time to increment your 4-bit counter. You 3.1 Flip-Flops . Build an S-R flip-flop using NOR gates. Check its truth table against Table 1. Now modify the S-R flip-flop according to Fig. 8. Connect data switch SW1 to a pulse generator. Observe the output, especially when input changes from 1 to 0. Now modify the circuit again according to Fig. 9 and repeat the process. VHDL Lab Manual Department of E & C, SSIT, Tumkur. Page 5 7. Click Next in the Define VHDL Source dialog box. 8. Click Finish in the New Source Information dialog box to complete the new source file template. The output of flip-flops changes only, at a well defined time (inde-pendently of the duration of the command pulse). There are various types of latches and flip-flops. They will be described by the functions they perform and, for flip-flops, attention will be called to a particular timing property.
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