You must read the details in form carefully and fill up as per the given instructions. ESIC Return of Declaration Form Share This The Employer can find the Return of Declaration Form provided by the Employee's State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. NOTIFICATION. New Delhi, the 17th October, 1950 *No. RS/5/48. — In exercise of the powers conferred by section 97 of the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (XXXIV of 1948), the Employees' State Insurance Corporation is pleased to make the following regulations, the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (1) of the said section, namely — ESIC (Employees State Insurance Corporation) Forms in Excel / Fillable PDF. Form 1: Declaration form Form 3: Return of Declaration form Form 12: Accident Report under Regulation 68 form Form 37: Application for acceptance for medical treatment Form 01: Employers Registration Form ESI-Declaration Form In Form 1 In case u require detail submission kindly mail me the details on my id , i will mail u reply 4 ESIC. regards HIREN CHHEDA 09821078457 15th November 2007 From India, Mumbai. SUSHMA RAWAT. 20. 4. Hi Smitha I am also agree with Hiren. 'Power' means electrical energy, or any other form of energy which is mechanically transmitted and is not generated by human or animal agency. Note 3 : Manufacturing process as defined in section 2(k) in Factories Act is as under :-'manufacturing process' means any process for :- ESIC Form 37 B. RGUHS Teachers Declaration Form-15. ESIC Declaration Form Excel. ESIC Form 37 Download. EPF Declaration Form SMU. OBC Self Declaration Form For RRB Kolkata. Union Bank of India Rtgs Form in Word Format. Declaration Format For MBA Project Report. Esic Employee Registration Form. ?kks"k.kk i=k!"#$%&'&()*+!,*'-?kks"k.kk i=k deZpkjh }kjk Hkjk tk,xkA QkeZ ds LkkFk iksLVdkMZ vkdkj ds nks QksVksxzkQ Hkh yxk, tkus pkfg,A QkeZ Hkjus ls igys ihB i`"B ij nh xbZ fgnk;rksa dks Hkyh&Hkkafr i<+ ysuk pkfg,A ;g QkeZ fu%'kqYd gSA la- deZpkjh dk uke ;fn gks firk ;k ifr dk uke gksuk pkfg,1⁄2 S. Name of the Employee Distinguishing Father's or Husband's Name Insurance No. allotted by the No. No. with the Corporation (to be entered at employer if any the appropriate Local Office) .. layXu ?kks"k.kk i=k Encl. Declaration Form P.T.O. nks izfr;ksa esa In Duplicate izi=k (A) INSURED PERSON'S PARTICULARS (B) EMPLOYER'S PARTICULARS QkeZ&1@Form-1 1-chek la[;k@Insurance No. 2-uke …Li"V v{kjks esa‰ Name in block letters 3-firk@ifr dk uke Father's/Husband's Name 4-tUe dh frfFk fnu eghuk o"kZ 5- oSokfgd fookfgr@ Date of Birth Day Month YearizkfLFkfr vfookfgr Maritalfo/kok Status M/U/W 6-fyax@Sexiq-e-/M.F. The dimension of the hand declaration format image should be 800 X 400 pixels or 10 cms X 5 cms. You can crop the scanned image in Microsoft picture manager or in any image editing software. The size of the scanned image should be between 50 kb - 100 kb. Before scanning the documents adjust the scanner resolution to 200 dpi (dots per inch). 604 3 Dear Mr Gupthaji, Please note ESI Form # 1-online Temporary ID Card (The question of Submitting to ESI does not arise) Please note EPF Form # 11 (New) Declaration Form to be obtained from all Employees Joining an Establishment.Duly Completed & Signed Form 11 to be retained by the Employer for the sake of record. Microsoft Word - DECLARATION FORM 1 Author: Pramod Kamireddy Created Date: 12/2/2019 12:55:35 PM Microsoft Word - DECLARATION FORM
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