David Gilmour in Concert je DVD záznam koncertu britského hudobníka, gitaristu skupiny Pink Floyd, Davida Gilmoura, ktorý bol nahraný počas festivalu Meltdown, ktorý ten rok mal na starosti Robert Wyatt. DVD obsahuje aj záznam troch koncertov počas toho turné v roku 2002. Setlist pozostával zo skladieb skupiny Pink Floyd, ako aj z Gilmourovej sólovej tvorby. David Gilmour in Concert is a DVD of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour's solo concert that took place at the Royal Festival Hall, London in June 2001, as part of the Robert Wyatt-curated Meltdown festival. [1] [2] David Gilmour in Concert (2002) Remember That Night (2007) The final show of his On an Island Tour in 2006, where he played to an audience of 50,000 at the Gdańsk Shipyard to celebrate the founding of the Solidarity On the DVD: David Gilmour in Concert on disc enhances the exclusivity and quality of the performances with crisp 5.1 surround (an ordinary stereo soundtrack is also available) and an anamorphically enhanced picture. --John Galilee. Customers who bought this item also bought. DAVID GILMOUR IN CONCERT. Review by Michael Jacobson. Stars: David Gilmour Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Stereo Video: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.78:1 Studio: EMI Capitol Features: See Review Length: 91 Minutes This year marks the release of his first solo concert DVD, which is a pleasant but surprisingly low key event given the man's David Gilmour in Concert: Directed by David Mallet. With Michael Kamen, Chucho Merchán, D*** Parry, Robert Wyatt. The documentary of the 2002 David Gilmore tour. This includes interviews and his solo version of some Pink Floyd songs. Menu Movies A David Gilmour in Concert egy koncertfelvétel DVD -n David Gilmour -tól, a Pink Floyd gitáros - énekesétől, amit 2001 -ben vettek fel Londonban a Royal Festival Hall -ban. A koncert a Meltdown fesztivál egyik része volt, s David Robert Wyatt egyik fellépője volt. DAVID GILMOUR IN CONCERT. DA 1 A 6 DVD. DA 7 IN POI. Something went wrong. View cart for details. David Gilmour - In Concert (DVD) 3.499 kr. Eintök til á lager: 1. Útgáfuform. DVD. Setja í kröfu. Bæta á óskalista. DVD/Video, released in 2002 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (pts 1-5) 2. Terrapin 3. Fat Old Sun 4. Coming Back To Life 5. High Hopes 6. Je Crois Entendre Encore 7. Smile 8. Wish You Were Here 9. Comfortably Numb (with Robert Wyatt) 10. Dimming Of The Day 11. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (pts 6-9) 12. A Great Day For Freedom 13. Something went wrong. View cart for details. Two versions are provided on the DVD - from the concert and in the bonus section. Neither of the guest singers (Robert Hewitt and Sir Bob Geldoff) know the words, have to read from sheet music and based on their phrasing have never heard the song before. Gilmour would have been better off asking for a volunteer from the audience. Two versions are provided on the DVD - from the concert and in the bonus section. Neither of the guest singers (Robert Hewitt and Sir Bob Geldoff) know the words, have to read from sheet music and based on their phrasing have never heard the song before. Gilmour would have been better off asking for a volunteer from the audience. Title: DAVID GILMOUR IN CONCERT - (GERMAN IMPORT). Format: DVD. Catalogue Number: 0724349295896. Number Of Discs: 1. Missing Information?. Condition: New. David Gilmour - Music. Buy Music. SHOP OUR US STORE | VISIT OFFICIAL SITE David Gilmour In Concert DVD. $21.39 About Face CD.
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