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Cybergenics diet manual
















Cybergenics was the first to take into account all factors of training, diet and supplements. They had an intense, and I really mean intense, exercise program that gave some very formidable increases in strength, while building lean muscle mass and burning off body fat. The method they taught is very tough and a lot of hard work, but a friend I really can't bad mouth the product because my experience was not so bad. I lost a whopping 17lbs back in 2008-09 when I did the program. I remember my re The Cybergenics workout program brings those three areas of supplements, nutrition and exercise to bear against building large amounts of lean muscle. measuring charts and a detailed manual. On the negative side, the Cybergenics workout program isn't forthcoming about the ingredients before purchase. The program isn't very clear about Jun 29, 2004. #11. Actually the science behind the orginal Cybergenics was solid. I used it back in 1987 and got down from 7.5% bf down to 6% with some good increases in strength. It was actually one of the first diets out that had low, medium and high calorie days. I'm not quite sure of the dates but I know Terry Giles took over the project A detailed manual provides precise instructions on each aspect of the training regimen, nutrition and the use of the Isolates, to provide a complete program which leaves nothing to chance, and which, together comprise a literal Bodybuilding powerhouse. A free training DVD creates a unique visual impact for the program. Before bed a "Botanical Cleansing" and water purge supplement is taken on an empty stomach. These supplements appear to come from mostly natural sources. The diet also specifies 1-1/2 to 2 gallons of water daily for the first 10 days. Days 11-14 are water depletion days, to flush out subcutaneous water.

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