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Notes - Computer Hardware Basics The Computer A computer is made up of many parts: 1. Input/Output (I/O) devices - These allow you to send information to the computer or get information from the computer. 2. Central Processing Unit - CPU or Processor for short. The brain of a computer. Approximately 1.5 in X 1.5 in. Does all the computation SIPrefixes peta P quadrillion 1015 1000000000000000 tera T trillion 1012 1000000000000 giga G billion 109 1000000000 mega M million 106 1000000 kilo k thousand 103 1000 hecto h hundred 102 100 deca da ten 101 10 (none) one 100 1 deci d tenth 10−1 0.1 centi c hundredth 10−2 0.01 milli m thousandth 10−3 0.001 micro µ millionth 10−6 0.000001 nano n billionth 10−9 0.000000001 - The underlying software that runs all of the computer hardware and software - e.g. Windows 7, Mac OS X Desktop - Essentially the computer's "home" view. First screen you see once you log into the computer Program/App - A piece of software designed to accomplish a specific task - e.g. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Internet The basic computer parts are the motherboard, processor, RAM, hard drive, video adapter and power supply. You have to have all these parts to build a basic computer. The system unit is the core of a computer system. Usually it's a rectangular box placed on or underneath your desk. coordinate multiple tasks in a single computer • Task scheduler coordination of multiple tasks in a single computer • Kernel - Software which ties the hardware to the software, and - manages the flow of information to and from disks, printers, keyboards, all I/O devices Shell Network I/F Task Scheduler Kernel Operating Systems BAIT1013 Introduction To Computer Networks Tutorial 4: Data Link Layer (OSI Model) 1 updated by Ms. Punitha Turumugon on 10.01.2022 Q1. (a) Give a term that related to upper sublayer of layer two and briefly describe that term.(3 marks) (b) The following figure shows a frame of data link layer. Figure 1: A structure of a frame (i) Identify a header of a frame that labeled as "A" from v Table of Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ix Welcome to PDFtutorial. PDFtutorial is here to help you learn programs, improve your Knowledge Computer security, databases, office automation, Automation, analysis and computing in general. feel free to Download our tutorials and guides and learn the joy of free learning. There are many websites like PDFtutorial where you can find Courses and COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE TUTORIAL By Gurpur M. Prabhu Read Prabhu's new book Anita's Legacy This tutorial is intended as a supplementary learning tool for students of Com S 321, an undergraduate course on computer architecture taught at Iowa State University. The text book for the course is "Computer Organization and Computer Engineering l All about designing and building computers -Silicon chip design -Combining chips into systems -Combining systems into networks -Helping systems recover from failure -Software design to help computers run faster and more efficiently. 5 - ENGIN112 12-06-02 L1 Computer Fundamental Tutorial COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL TUTORIAL Simply Easy Learning by tutorialspoint.com tutorialspoint.com ABOUT THE TUTORIAL Computer Fundamentals Tutorial Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes it under the control of set of instructions (called program), gives th


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