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OneOcean PassageManager provides solution for route planning and managing safe sea passages and voyages. Contact us today. Existing ChartCo users upgrading to PassageManager should click the Import oceanMaster Settings button to import all their previous oceanMaster settings ChartCo passage manegament UserGuide - Read online for free. Ghid rapid de utilizare Passage manager. 3.1 - System requirements · 3.2 - Setting up PassageManager for the first time 9.7 - Updating the e-NP Reader with ChartCo e-NP Updates Mob marks and store the oneocean chartco passage manager orientation, if notice number of it · Stop then deliver the following to the chartco oneocean platformThe below guide is to be used whenever a passage plan is created, or when a passage plan is modified whilst the vessel is underway. In case of any modifications
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