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The financial manual provides directions on how to establish and administer school funds and it is expected of SGBs to diligently implement these directives. 1.2.1 The Financial Procedures Manual is relevant to school staff at all levels. essential that all contracts and arrangements for payments for goods BASIC FINANCIAL SYSTEM FOR SCHOOLS. 8. A9. DRAWING UP A FINANCIAL POLICY. Each GB should draw up a financial policy. This document should indicate clearly Aug 11, 2022 — This policy sets out requirements for schools and school councils when managing school-related finances. The Finance Manual is set out in the The presentation of the Schools Financial Management Manual (Manual) is intended to assist school to the policy of increasing access to basic education. This school–based capacity building series of booklets is a step towards strengthening the management of primary schools. This series contains activities to received and spent by the school. For the purpose of this policy, money will include cheques, bills postal orders, credit card vouchers and travellers'Financial planning is an essential part of good financial management. It provides a school with a clear view of how it intends to use its resources. It has two The purpose of this manual is to ensure that Sir Thomas Rich's School (STRS) maintains It is essential that these systems operate properly to meet the FINPOL 1/2021. SCHOOL FINANCE POLICY. 1. Principles. 1.1. The SGB manages school funds within the statutory framework provided, and in accordance.
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