Atomos Shogun Inferno – User Manual Edition 2: October 2018 2. Warranty & Conditions. Notice Atomos does not warrant that the goods will operate in a manner Technical Specifications. 43. Contents. Safety Instructions. User Manual Conventions. The Shogun is designed to a high standard but there are some things. Atomos Shogun Inferno – User Manual Edition 2: October 2018 2. Warranty & Conditions. 3. Introduction. 4. 1. What's included. 5. 2. What you also need. User manual for the Atomos Shogun Inferno with Accessory Kit contain basic instructions that need to be followed during installation and operation. Atomos Shogun – User Manual Edition 1: December 2014 2. Warranty & Conditions. 1. Introduction. 2. 1. What's included. 5. 2. What you also need.
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