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Jim & Marty Harger AromaTouch Technique Study doTERRA essential oil KIT. We have MANY oils to choose from - so I'd love to offer you a 1-hour Wellness Consultation where I can help you understand more about the doTERRA oils for your health and choose the kit that makes the most sense for you. (Schedule it then!) We will be getting the survey results back in August. I'll call you to Sign up for the AromaTouch Technique Certification course today! Enroll Now In the meantime, download our free PDF that shows you how to perform the AromaTouch Hand Technique. Download PDF Become a certified AromaTouch Advocate so your approach to introducing essential oils stops feeling forced and inauthentic. costo è incluso anche il kit Aromatouch con tutti gli 8 oli essenziali visti sopra e l'attestato di partecipazione finale).Visto che sempre più persone mi chiedono informazioni per imparare questa tecnica, periodicamente organizzo dei corsi in varie città italiane. L'Aromatouch Technique è una tecnica per l'applicazione di oli essenziali di Grado Testato The AromaTouch Technique uses specific guidelines and instructions for both dosage and application that make it a safe and effective way to receive the full benefits of essential oils. The Back application takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. After long hours on the computer, try rubbing Deep Blue essential oil blend on your fingers, wrists, shoulders, and neck. If you want to be fiche d information produit 7rxvohvwhuphvsruwdqwxqhpdutxhfrpphufldohrxxqvperohghpdutxhgpsrvphvrqwghvpdutxhvfrpphufldohvrxpdutxhvgpsrvphvghgf7(55$+roglqjv //& Sari la conținut. În perioada 17 Iunie - 04 Iulie activitatea noastră ia o pauză pentru a ne bucura de o scurtă vacanță. *toate comenzile vor fi procesate începând cu dată de 05 Iulie With the AromaTouch Training Kit, you'll have everything you need to perform a life-changing technique. Plus, you'll receive access to the AromaTouch Technique® Certification course! (a $97 value!) Size:1 Kit Retail: $333.33 Wholesale: $250.00 AromaTouch® Technique Kit $ 133.33 (8) 5 mL bottles, (1) 4 ounce bottle of Fractionated Coconut Oil with an overview booklet The AromaTouch Technique is a simple yet powerful way to provide every individual with an essential oil experience. AromaTouch. from dōTERRA International. Feb 13, The technique uses dōTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience for. AromaTouch Technique. likes · talking about The AromaTouch Technique combines the use of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils and a well-documented application technique to support overall wellbeing. AromaTouch Technique. Part Number: 60200547 Wholesale: $150.00 PV: 100 Savings: $32.00" /> AromaTouch Technique. Part Number: 60200547 Wholesale: $150.00 PV: 100 Savings: $32.00" /> AromaTouch® Diffused Enroll with this kit to experience a variety of essential oils that can also be used for the AromaTouch Technique. Part Number: 60200547 AromaTouch Technique. Part Number: 60200547 Wholesale: $150.00 PV: 100 Savings: $32.00" /> AromaTouch Technique. Part Number: 60200547 Wholesale: $150.
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