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Nptel Video Lectures: Analog Communication for Gate Notes: Unit-1: a. General Demodulators.pdf Unit-2: SSB & VSB Modulation.pdf Unit-3: Angle Digital and Analog Communication. NPTEL Links. 1. 2. LECTURE NOTES. ON. ANALOG COMMUNICATIONS. (AEC005). B.Tech-ECE-IV semester. Dr.P.Munusamy, Professor, ECE. Ms.G.Ajitha, Assistant Professor, ECE.The course will introduce the participants to the signal representation in both time and frequency domain, basic analog communication techniques like Notes nptel nptel online certification course course on analog communication prof. goutam das sanyal school of telecommunications indian institute of. The course will introduce the participants to the signal representation in both time and frequency domain, basic analog communication techniques like modulation Communication channel; Brief Review of Signal and Systems; The Hilbert Transform; Analytic Representation of band pass Signals; Fundamentals of Analog Linear Modulation; Angle Modulation; Digital Transmission of Analog Signals. Noise Performance of Various Modulation Schemes. The course will introduce the participants to the signal representation in both time and frequency domain, basic analog communication techniques like
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