Quantum Forum V

Quantum Forum for DXi V5000

Hi everyone:

I'm new and I'm installing a Dxiv5000 on my vmware infrastructure and i have the following problems:

  • After login by first time, appairs a message on Service Tickets that says: "DXiV5000: General DXiV5000 Software DART.service : Operation failure"
  • In the same console, the system is on Diagnostic mode and limite mode.
  • When I make the changes in the network configuration, when I restart it no longer allows me to enter the web console. I get a 503 POST/Authentication error, despite having changed the credentials.

I hope your help to solve this.


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I haven't seen anything quite like this. Have you resolved any of this since posting? Any luck?

Hi Steve:

I was trying some ways, I thought it was a mistake because I was using a wrong hypervisor (it used esxi 6.5 when the requirement indicated 6.7). However, it happened again.

I have made some attempts, deleting the vm and re-importing the ova file and the same error is repeated.



I think that some services do not finish starting when the VM starts. For example, DART is one, sometimes it says that it doesn't start my_generic.target and also in a last attempt it was the heathcheck.service.
Is there a way to see why this is happening?



I found a detail, I increased the memory (it was 4GB and I raised it to 6) and when turning on the VM, the system changed to Normal state. I couldn't get into the GUI console anyway but I can get in via CLI and configure. After I shut down the VM, I returned the RAM to 4 GB and at startup it returned to diagnostic status.


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