Quantum Forum V

Quantum Forum for DXi V5000


I have a DXi1000 installed, and would like to update it. however this machine does not have internet access.

i tried to get its serial number and enter it manually in the quantum upgrade site, but it comes back with unit not found .

anything can be done to enter the license manually like the first version ?



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Hi Wes,

Are you following this process?






So, to be clear, you have DXi V1000 version 2.1.1 today, correct?

And you want to perform the mandatory upgrade to DXi V1000 version 2.2 (a.k.a. 2.2.1), correct?

Have you actually performed the firmware upgrade installation?  If not, proceed with that now. Yep, right now. Seriously.  (visit  http://forms.quantum.com/Software/V1000upgrade/ )

Now that you have done this, your V1000 will attempt to contact our license server, but will fail if you do not have public Internet access to our server (mosaic.quantum.com). Your V1000 will revert to a 30-day trial license @ 256GB in size until you get a license install.

How do you get a license? Please provide me an Email (mark.thacker@quantum.com) with your DXi serial number, from the same Email address that you used when you registered for DXi V1000 (for verification) and I will look it up and send back to you the exact manual license key that you need to enter. Once the manual key is entered, your DXi V1000 will not need to contact the Quantum license server.

Thank you!

thanks, i already upgraded. sent email to Mark.


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