Quantum Forum V

Quantum Forum for DXi V5000

I have configured replication between two DXi V1000 connected through internet.

I understand that DXi transfer a block of data only if this block is not in the target DXi.

I did the following test: I copied a folder A with some data to the directory/file based replicated NAS share on the source DXi. This folder was replicated to the NAS share on the target DXi.

After that, I copied a foder B with the same data in folder A to the same NAS share in sorce DXi.

As there is no difference in data copied, I expected to have the folder B in the target NAS share almost instantly, but the replication lasted more or less the same time as folder A.

Can somebody explain how does it work?




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I would think the important aspect is how much data was NOT transferred in the second replication. How long did it take to replicate and how much data were you testing with?

In the second replication all data was transfered, the problem is the time it lasted, it was almost the same as the first replication.

The data size was 400 MB, but there were too many small files. Could be this the problem?

Now I am doing the same test, but with only one large file.




With a large file it worked fine.

The problem is when you have many small files.


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