Quantum Forum V

Quantum Forum for DXi V5000

Deployed OVf template of Dxi1000 appliance stuck in system State: Diagnostics

Hello All experts,

I followed the stpes and deployed the OVF template on my vsphere server. I started the machine and it asked me for the details of IP, I entered static IP , after that VM is stuck in System State:Diagnostics.Any pointers to Why this is happening? Appreciate help with this. Also when tried to connect to browser, I get "Access denied" error.

[I can see VM has got IP address which I had given in Summary tab.]

Thanks in advance!


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Any updates please?

Hello Swati,

Can you verify that you are meeting the system requirements?

Server system with at least an i7 quad-core Intel processor (AMD processors not supported)

DXi V1000: two virtual CPU cores required

•At least one IP address available for use by the DXi (obtained from DHCP or manually assigned at boot time, if assigned manually, have your Gateway IP and Node Netmask IP available)

•VMware environment:
DXi V1000: One or more ESX4, ESXi4, or ESXi5.x servers that are part of a vSphere vCenter cluster or on a VMware Workstation 9.

Note: Quantum supports only V1000s that have been initially deployed on either a VMware Workstation 9 or on a VMware vSphere server. V1000s that have been migrated or converted from their initial deployment environment are not supported.

•vSphere vCenter version 4.0 u2 or later

•A 1 GbE or 10 GbE Ethernet port for data movement on the DXi host server

•Browsers: Mozilla Firefox 6 or higher; Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher (Internet Explorer 10 currently not supported)

•Adobe Flash Player plug-in 9 or higher

Free space on the appropriate vSphere server
(In general, you will need .5 TB plus your license capacity, examples follow.)
DXi V1000:
1-TB license – 1.5 TB storage, thin provisioned; 2.5 TB storage, thick

DXi V1000: 4 GB


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