Quantum Forum V

Quantum Forum for DXi V5000

Hi. I’m trying to setup (installing from latest ISO 4.5.2) VM (at ESXi 7.x.x) with DXi V5000 Community version and use VEEAM to make backups to that VM.

I’m do that strictly following this guide: https://qsupport.quantum.com/kb/flare/Content/dxi/DXi_V5000/#Instal...

But when I’m trying to register at https://myservices.quantum.com/, (following this guide: https://qsupport.quantum.com/kb/flare/Content/dxi/Dxi_V5000/ - Oper...) the result is always the same: “The serial number is not valid” (see attached screenshot).

I used another email to receive another SN, but the final result is the same.

I tried with that two SN’s, with Chrome and Edge – and always the same result.


Any idea what’s wrong with me or with registration process at https://myservices.quantum.com/?

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There's sometimes a bit of misunderstanding here. When you get your download you get a serial number in your welcome email that you can apply to the install. Whether you do or not doesn't matter until/unless you decide to purchase an actual license.

But you can't really register unless you've purchased a license. your install is 100% functional and upgradeable (the version you downloaded should have been 4.5 but version is available for upgrade from within the product) my you can't register it per se.

When/if you are ready to upgrade to a supported/paid license we'll be glad to help you out if there are other issues.



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