Everything was working fine prior 4.9.0.
When I upgraded to 4.9.0, the DXi web interface complained about insufficient memory, so I tweaked the Hyper-V memory config to raise the allocation, and those errors went away.
However, the Veaam integration stopped working after a while. I've noticed the "App Environment" config page where you set up Veaam in the first place no longer functions - when I click on the tab, I get a generic "An unknown error has occurred" message, which appears to be caused by a 500 error being returned from an endpoint,
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to suss out any more diagnostic information to explain what is going wrong, and the logs in the web GUI don't show anything.
I have noticed that /scratch/collect/node1-collection/app-info/bpw.log quickly fills up with duplicated error logs: "bw_bfst_context_get_lock_held: Non-blocking request for a BFST context failed without queuing a range for sync. May lead to PTR 51169." As a result of this, /scratch runs out of capacity. I tried a manual purge of the log and it immediately filled back up with > 50 gigabytes of this error. Not sure it's related, but that's definitely an issue.
As a result, I'm worried I'm going to have to do a complete reinstall of my DXi, which sounds like a pain.
Anyone have any ideas?
I have the same problem. I hoped that upgrading to 4.9.2 it will be solved but no luck.
Unfortunately without access to this tab I cannot enable and configure VDMS (Veeam Data Mover Service).
Did you found a solution to this?
I'm replying to myself for anyone who encounter this error.
I increased the VM memory to 36GB and now the error is gone.
I have the same problem but when i incresed the memory the web portal never show up again. Is there an specific procedure to increase the memory. I shut down the dxi from the gui, then increase the memory for the vm and finally started the VM but it never comes up.
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