I don't believe additions of NIC outside of the deployed OVF configuration is supported. It can be done of course.
-vmPRO is deployed with enough processor/memory speeds to keep on with the one NIC, if you need more then one NIC, deploy a Master/Slave configuration.
-V1000 has two NICs by default and you can use GUI to bond and segement accordingly.
All other routing can be done from the vmware side.
Additional NICs are supported with vmPRO. First you must add the NIC from the VI Client and then configure it via the vmPRO console setup screen. I believe up to 3 NICs are officially supported.
You can add an additional interface to your vmPRO, and it will show up as eth1 in the setup console. To do this, you can edit the vmPRO VM settings in vSphere client and add an additional Network Interface -- be sure to select 'VMXNET 3' as the adapter type. Once you have added the new interface, use the 'Network Reset' function in the vmPRO Console - after that you will see eth1 show up: