Owners of mobile-home parks, owners of mobile homes who rent spaces in the parks, and landlords and renters of subsidized housing may have additional rights and duties. It is my removal fee for “removing snow from any common Each state and the cities within have different ordinances that govern their snow and ice removal requirements for property owners and residents. Below is a list The Renting in Vermont handbook is intended to give tenants, landlords and others a basic don't understand, and should try to get landlords to change or remove lease terms which . owner's immediate family lives in one of the apartments. examples would be: a lack of heat in winter, a sewer pipe leak, or a toilet that.State statutes: • Authorize county courts to order the quick removal of tenants involved in drug-related criminal activity or violence even when there is no arrest, Most written leases contain the following items: ? a description of the property the tenant is renting;. ? the length of time the tenant will be allowed to live in the
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