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Sawhorse projection pdf
















Drawing Sugar Structures: Fischer Projections, Haworth Structures and Chair Conformers The acyclic structure of a sugar is commonly drawn as a Fischer projection. These structures make it easy to show the con?guration at each stereogenic center in the molecule without using wedges and dashes. In a sawhorse projection, a molecule is viewed from an angle, rather than side-on. For example, imagine looking at model 1 of ethane below at an angle so that the carbon atom highlighted in red is further from you, and the carbon atom in grey is closer to you. Sawhorse plans, PDF download, includes drawings, step-by-step details, shopping list and cut list. Free DIY projects at Construct101. How to create a 3D Terrain with Google Maps and height maps in Photoshop - 3D Map Generator Terrain - Duration: 20:32. Orange Box Ceo 3,947,069 views Note: The more severe the eclipsing in the "worst" projection, the greater the rotation barrier Tips for creating a Newman Projection Energy Diagram 1. Use the "worst" (totally eclipsed version) as 0? and 360?. 2. 120? and 240? will be the other "eclipsed" conformations => energy crests. 3. Take Home Quiz 8 (25 points) I. Stereoisomers A Newman projection is used to represent or visualize conformations of carbon-carbon bonds within a molecule. Newman projections are used to represent the relationship between two Draw a sawhorse projection for 1,2-dibromoethane in the A Newman projection, useful in alkane stereochemistry, visualizes the conformation of a chemical bond from front to back, with the front atom represented by a dot and the back carbon as a circle. The front carbon atom is called proximal, while the back atom is called distal.This type of representation clearly illustrates the specific dihedral angle between the proximal and distal atoms. If we depict it from above and a little to the side, we have what we can refer to as a Sawhorse projection. I call it the Sawhorse because, well, it resembles one. Note how the l

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