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The second ad reveals PETA's opposition to animal testing for leukemia, multiple sclerosis and AIDS cures — and reports that PETA gave $70,000 to an arsonist who destroyed a research lab at Michigan State University in 1992. Animal rights leaflets, posters, magazines, DVDs, stickers—Find them all in the PETA Literature Catalog. Animals continue to be used in testing, and we want to end this practice everywhere and forever. THE BODY SHOP & CRUELTY FREE INTERNATIONAL PETITION. We, the undersigned, are calling on the United Nations to adopt an international convention that will end animal testing for cosmetics products and ingredients everywhere and forever. Explore Kelly Haskell's board "Peta and animal testing". | 118 people on Pinterest are finding ideas from Peta and animal testing about Animal rights, Stop animal testing, Stop animal cruelty. Please read & sign PETA's petition." "Testing is done on innocent animals by the millions every This petition has been created by Therese S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community. x . Palm Oil should be added to Peta list of animal cruelty contributing ingredients, it is directly causing death and extinction of the wildlife. Please stop promoting products as Behind the Locked Doors of U.S. and French Dog Laboratories Video footage obtained by PETA reveals that behind closed doors at Texas A&M University, Video footage given to PETA France by the group Animal Testing People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation—a charitable company limited by guarantee, with its registered office at Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AF. Sign Petition Map Comments Link 3886 Views The Stop animal testing!! petition to scientists was written by Jessa Henson and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition. Petition to Compel the U.S. EPA to Animals ("PETA") and a coalition of national animal, health, and environmental protection and ultimately avoidable animal testing

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