Feb 15, 2017 Introduction. This tutorial will illustrate how you can build a REST API backed by PostgreSQL in Go, using Gorilla Mux for routing. The tutorial This example shows how to use the `gorilla/mux` package to create routes with named parameters, GET/POST handlers and domain restrictions. Aug 6, 2018 go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux go get -u github.com/jinzhu/gorm go get -u github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql. You will found 3 new folders inside Jul 28, 2017 For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll be creating a RESTful API for a Phone Book We'll need to use a mux to route requests, so we need a Go Jan 4, 2018 I then wrote my code in $HOME/go/src/github.com/user/rest-api according to the recommendations in the How to Write Go Code tutorial on theMar 9, 2018 following is the simple CRUD example written in Golang using Gorilla Mux for routing. “REST api using GO and Gorilla Mux” is published by Jan 10, 2018 Use Gorilla web toolkit's mux package with Postgres as the backend database to All of the packages used in the example application are shipped with our for golang. Contribute to gorilla/mux development by creating an account on GitHub. example_route_test.go · [docs] Add example usage for Route. For example: r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler) r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/", ArticlesCategoryHandler) r.
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