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Lasico L-10 Mechanical Polar Planimeter Vintage Scientific Instrument Drafting. EUR 44.63 LASICO Compensating Polar Planimeter Manual. EUR 13.34 Lasico Planimeters are used for measurements of areas of any shape from plans, maps, recorder diagrams, photographs, x-rays, etc. With an area measuring Description: This four-page pamphlet shows model 125 of the Lasico square root planimeter, which sold in the 1940s for $135.00. It had a tracer point, unlike the Everyday low prices on the Lasico L10 Mechanical Planimeter at Drafting Packed in a 12" x 6" x 2" carrying case with test rule and complete instructions. Index of K&E Catalogs · Index of K&E Planimeter Collection · Index of K&E Planimeters. "Compensating Polar Planimeters". Copyright: 1963. Title page Download scientific diagram | A polar planimeter (Lasico, Model 702). from and acoustic information in the sense of informationL is always needed to guideINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF. LASICO MECHANICAL POLAR PLANIMETERS. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. 1. The Measuring Operation. 1. 2. 27 Feb 2015 30 Dec 2004 A classic example of Green's Theorem in action is the planimeter, .. Figure 4: Part of the instructions to a Keuffel and Esser radial planimeter in
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