The software name has been changed to SMART Scaffolder 2017. You might notice a new loading "splash" panel when you start SMART Scaffolder 2017, 6. For Tube and Fitting scaffolding, HAKI stair components are now shown in the Configuration tab, so they can be more easily priced.
installed, temporary stairs and handrails can result in falls, serious injuries, and tragedies on a worksite. What the legislation says . . . For temporary stairs, section 251 of the Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations states that a contractor or owner shall ensure that: Compact Stair User Guide - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. MARKING Upper Stair Handrail 1. handrails and guardrails.5 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL APPLIES ONLY TO COMPONENTS MANUFACTURED AND SUPPLIED BY HAKI. Magnus.5604 This course gives the attendees such knowledge and practical experience so as to enable them to safely erect, alter and dismantle HAKI Stair Towers. Generation Stair Tower is the safest form of access ensuring that all personnel are protected whilst climbing to their intended work place. It is easily inspected and enhances speed and efficiency. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION ALEX We hope everyone will use this manual to ensure proper installation of scaffolding. The purpose is to prevent accidents and make the workplace safe. Stair tower 40 Stairway 43 Base board 45 Bracket 1,2m (SK 1,2) 47 Bracket 0,7m (SK 0,72) 48 Rather than HAKI stairs, we supply Layher stairs. Unlike HAKI stairs, Layher stairs integrate seamlessly with the main scaffold structure. This makes them quicker to erect than HAKI stairs, and provide a safer staircase system. offers free unlimited (private) repositories and unlimited collaborators. Explore projects on (no login needed); More information about Sectional HAKI IV scaffolding is a temporary structure for working safely at heights. Segments of the basic HAKI IV
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