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flyff assist leveling guide
What level are you? You should've said. You just came here randomly and said you used your reskill. Well I will answer your question anyway. For Flyff Gold on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "For a about Master BP-- just just 2nd class lvl 90+ BPs with massive HP to boost. 2) The build that I found should be able to 1v1 decently (with the skill thatWhat type of AoE build should I go? I am level 43 full STA right now, and I still have my re-skill a roll. I don't know which type of AoE I should go. To build this build, just add STA until your desired level (60-120 depending on your equips), and then add INT for the rest of your Int-AoE Billposter life ^^. For the skills, max Heap Up, Burst Crack, Beef Up, StoneHand, Cats Reflexes. Patience and Quick Step may also help. 1 Jul 2010 i plan to be a Aoe assist and then Aoe Billposter, i put my stats on 1str 1 sta every level, (i dont want to be an INT BP i want to go for the STR) 8 Oct 2008 Okay, so today, I will be showing you guys how to reach Lv 60, with decent money. As an AoE Assist, you will overpower all of your low leveled Where the FS will need a partner to level the BP build may self-buff and fight on there own. The Assist is the first class the get and AoE attack. 28 Sep 2010 I'm going to explain my guide for being a AoE assist. And later on a billposter . At Lvl 15 you have 28 points, distribute them like this: 30 str / 28 16 Aug 2010
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