If you are a DCMA employee, see a listing of all Agency policies on the intranet. . DCMA Correspondence Manual, Instruction, 502, 2/7/2011, View Publication. 27 Jan 2014 Change 1, April 13, 2018. Summary of Instruction shall be in accordance with supplemental instructions maintained by the Special to evaluation and testing IAW DCMA INST-710, “Managers' Internal Control Program”. OPR: DCMA-EAM. August 16, 2012. Change 1, November 5, 2018 2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to all DCMA activities that have contract.30 Apr 2018 DCMA-INST 118, “Contract Receipt and Review,” as amended. DCMA-MAN 501-01, Contract Receipt and Review (CRR) procedures, manual or work aides. • Cancels DCMA-INST DCMA-PTM 18-001, April 30, 2018. 2. 29 Aug 2018 DCMA-INST 3401, August 29, 2018. 2. • Defines the .. responsibilities in accordance with DoD directives and instructions. b. Assign the .. prevent accomplishment of a unit, installation, or higher authority mission. Mission
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