Desert Amplifier Repair Specializes in Ampeg V4 Service and Restoration, with over 3 dozen V series amplifier having been on the bench. A specialized Adjustable Bias Mod designed for the V4, all the speciality tools necessary to work on any year or model, including a custom test jig that allows the Amplitrex AT1000 to test the 6K11/6Q11 reverb Ampeg is a manufacturer best known for its bass amplifiers.Originally established in 1946 in Linden, New Jersey by Everitt Hull and Stanley Michaels as "Michaels-Hull Electronic Labs," today Ampeg is part of the Yamaha Guitar Group. Although the company specializes in the production of bass amplifiers, it has previously manufactured guitar amplifiers, pickups and several instruments including Your #1 source for DIY amp parts and DIY amp kits. (To see it mouth ampeg v4 on the same site is this one!) All Tube Amplifier Head, 60w, manufactured in late 1960 / early 1970. I said: 60 watts is not a joke, my triple X (120watt) I have never tanned ears as much as the V2! (I stress, this beast is monstrous power, I do not even see the benefit of its big sister, the V4, which it is 100 watt. 1970 Ampeg V4. SOLD. From my collection of vintage Ampegs, I am offering this beautiful 1970 Ampeg V4 amplifier head for sale. It has been completely restored both electronically and cosmetically and brought back to new factory specifications. This the very first year that the V4 was made, and Ampeg V4 (with Distortion) Tube Amplifier Service Manual Contents: Schematics, Product Picture / Illustration, Specifications, Troubleshooting Guide / Fault Diagnosis, Assembly / Disassembly Guide, PC Board Layout, Speaker Wiring Diagram, Parts List, Service Bulletins / Engineering Changes / Modifications (Dated 1971-72) (12pages/$20) AMPEG Ultimate Repair, Service Schematics & User Manuals. $19.95 USD 300 AMPEG GIF, JPG & PDF files (Adobe Reader XI) on DVD R SVT-MP owner manual V2 schematics V3 schematics V4 schematics V4B schematics V
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